Air Cooled vs. Water Cooled Refrigeration Condensing Units: Pros and Cons

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Two types of refrigeration units are considered for commercial and industrial units: Air Cooled Refrigeration Condensing Unit and water-cooled refrigeration condensing unit. Both have pros and cons, but they will help keep the products and the area cool down according to the temperature requirements.

Pros of using Air Cooled Refrigeration Condensing Unit

The following are the pros of using Air Cooled Refrigeration Condensing Unit:

Simple operations

Operating air cooled refrigeration condensing unit is much easier because you just have to set the instructions, and the unit will start doing its job. You won’t have to hire people to take care of the operations.

Air Cooled Refrigeration Condensing Unit

Easy to install

An air-cooled refrigeration condensing unit doesn’t come with many parts to install. You will just have to install a single unit in the area. The unit will not need to be assembled because it comes in a package, and you just have to install it.

Minimal maintenance

As we have mentioned above, an air-cooled refrigeration condensing unit doesn’t come with separate parts, so you won’t have to worry about maintenance. Simply cleaning the unit would be enough.

Cons of using Air Cooled Refrigeration Condensing Unit

The following are the cons of using Air Cooled Refrigeration Condensing Unit:

Capital costs increase

A major con of selecting an air-cooled refrigeration condensing unit would be the capital cost because these units are more expensive than water-cooled refrigeration. Plus, they consume more energy to keep the unit cool. You will see a hike in your utility bills if you consider air-cooled refrigeration condensing units for your business.

Pros of using water-cooled refrigeration condensing unit

The following are the pros of water-cooled refrigeration condensing units:

Doesn’t make noise

If you want a noise-free operation, you can consider a water-cooled refrigeration condensing unit because it doesn’t make a sound while working.

Hassle-free installation

Installing a water-cooled refrigeration condensing unit won’t be a tough job because it comes with a manual, and you just have to follow the instructions to install all the parts where they belong. The parts of the unit will have a higher life span.

water-cooled refrigeration condensing unit

Cons of using water-cooled refrigeration condensing unit

The following are the cons of using a water-cooled refrigeration condensing unit:

Higher maintenance

A water-cooled refrigeration condensing unit comes with different parts that you will have to install yourself. Installation is not difficult, but maintenance might become a problem. You will have to keep cleaning the water unit so the unit will keep working. Otherwise, the unit will get affected.

You will have to get more people to maintain your water-cooled refrigeration condensing unit; it is the only disadvantage of having this unit so far.

Most industries prefer water-cooled refrigeration condensing units because the operating costs would be less than Air Cooled Refrigeration Condensing Units. The only thing that bothers me about this decision would be high maintenance. Still, it comes with reliable, durable, and long-lasting parts, so a water-cooled refrigeration condensing unit is a better option overall.

Contact CNAU to get Air Cooled Refrigeration Condensing Unit

If you need any information about Air Cooled Refrigeration Condensing Unit or you want to order a unit, discuss it with our team member. You can order from us pretty easily.


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